Friday, January 11, 2008

This year is about me

I have determined that this year will be great. I am committed to my refusal to shed new tears over old griefs. I have devised a basic game plan as to how I will play and although I have appreciate that I will deviate as need be, my happiness will not be detoured.

This year, though I be the captain of my destiny but I will not go down with this ship. A captain's duty is to see that everyone is assisted before assisting him/herself, I however have decided that I will put myself first in every angle of my life. You call it selfish, I call it survival, my happiness will prevail.

This year I refuse to be the aspirin while someone else gets to be the ecstasy. If my number cannot be remembered when its time to have fun, pretend its been changed when its time to share pain and heartache.

This year I have resigned the post of saviour. If I cannot be a part of the entourage during the time of 'ballin' and 'living it up', then I can't throw on my cape and grab my bank card when need comes knocking at the doorstep. Sorry, not this year.

This year I have traded the minivan for a motorcycle, more mileage less riders, and to ride you must sit very close.

This year my heart has been relocated to the palms of my closed hands since I've learnt that wearing it on my sleeve attracts unnecessary attention. My fingers will however remain appropriately spaced to allow generous yet monitored access.

This year I will always remember that the most important priority is me and when in doubt I will take whichever action is necessary to preserve the most important priority.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! In reading this, I felt like someone was turning the pages of my mind and life. I echoe the sentiments that you shared. My 2007 was total opposite of this blog entry. But 2008, I have a game plan...a goal. Thanks for giving me further direction.