Thursday, January 17, 2008

Qualifications vs Quality

Every once in a while you come across someone so vile that they make you want to resort to things that should only be confined to the realms of the mind. It is unfortunate when these persons seem to be attracted to front line customer service employment. I am often left pondering whether for these persons, the root of their misguided discontent is; having the job, doing the job or for whom the job is done.

It appears that most of these persons want what they cannot have. It is not that what they want is out of reach (although in all honesty it sometimes is) but rather that most persons are not prepared to do what is necessary to attain it. I could deplete a forest for a list of these persons that feel underpaid, overworked, under-ranked etc.

It amazes me that most (not all) of the persons grumbling about salary and job conditions are that ones that are simply not willing do better. It is said that you should not give a man fish but instead teach him how to fish. This adage however does little for the persistent unqualified complainer who would instantly sell the reel, trade the line and tomorrow request that they be upgraded to beef.

Equally appalling is the person with the degree and the job that never seemed possible. These are the ones with self-imposed cataracts resulting from continuous nasal staring. These are the self-appointed experts on everything yet in reality hold a masters of arrogance, ignorance and combined stupidity.

As amazed as I often am with the persistent unqualified complainer, I can barely find the words to sum mate my regards for the over-educated underdeveloped patron whom never misses the opportunity to display obtuse vocal talent.

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