Thursday, January 31, 2008

Let go and live

Letting go is not giving up, rather it is holding on. Holding on to sanity and reality, realizing that life goes on and there are some things and people we cannot change. Letting go is an art that many people never learn to perfect, never learn to utilize and always come to appreciate. Letting go is not always the most favourable decision, but is usually the best one.

By letting go of wayward friendships, you are not are not bailing out on a friend, you are allowing yourself to know when you need better friends.

By letting go of mistrusted lovers, you are not running away from committment, you are utilizing common sense to know to whom you should commit.

By letting go of your problems, you are not a quitter, you just appreciate that there are other priorities that require your focus.

By (sensibly) letting go of inhabitions, you are not becomming wild, you are charting a course towards your own happiness.

By letting go of painful memories, you are not hiding from your past, you are taking bolder steps towards your future.

Let go and let life show you why it was so important for you to let go when you did.

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