Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

There is a very thin line between self-esteem and self-denial that we trod each day. We sometimes convince ourselves that we are better at any and everything we do than anyone else can ever be. We hold our heads up so high some times that we expose our innermost thoughts through the opening of our noses. The truth is that most of the time we couldn't be further from the truth.

We usually tend to be very critical of others and refuse to acknowledge that whatever they are doing is ten times the job we ever could. We scold athletes that didn't measure up, ridicule television personalities for grammatical slips and even belittle celebrity aesthetics.

But how often do we look into the mirror and acknowledge exactly what is there. Maybe I do have a pimple that prefers to migrate than vacate. Maybe my singing voice won't win me an award but will make my shower more enjoyable. Maybe swimsuit season does make me cringe, and I won't even attempt a 400 metre dash. Maybe the music doesn't stop when I walk into the club. Maybe I'm just me.

But being me isn't a bad thing. My thoughts, my views, my experiences, my dilemmas, my moods, my style, my charisma all can never be replaced. I know that there are many that can run faster, jump higher, swim further than I can, but it matters not to me because whatever I do is done the way I do it.

So when I look into the mirror I will not criticise, I will not compare and most importantly I will not tell a lie because believe it or not, the worst lies are the lies we tell ourselves.

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