Monday, October 29, 2007

Ignorantly speaking...

I've been told before that ignorance is bliss and this is an adage to which I have come to subscribe. I've found that although knowledge is power, sometimes its the absence of that knowledge that enables us to live more powerfully.

It is the lack of some knowledge that allows us to trust, love, risk, and live with the blind hope that things will go as we want them to. Spouses put their all into making their relationships work when they believe that it really is working. Add the knowledge of infidelity into the mix and suddenly the relationship is second guessed at every step along the way. Friends confide and rely on the emotional support in those they trust, that is until they suspect that the trust has been compromised.

When we are oblivious to the risks around us we are able to manoeuvre with a priceless confidence that is indescribable. We are able to enjoy life and experience unbridled joy. However the moment the veil is removed exposing the unthinkable, we retreat into our armour protected shells and live only within the confines therein.

So do I want to know that there is a possibility of risk, or that my spouse has drawn the surgical lines on my heart, or that my friends are are tabloid shopping my secrets? Of course I do, after all ignorance may be bliss but after a while bliss can become stupidity!

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