Monday, August 13, 2007

How much is that person in the window?

Do you remember the person that you just wished you could be with? I don't mean some iconic celebrity or anyone famous, I mean the popular person with the amazing body, the seductive smile and those eyes the just seem to pierce your soul causing your knees to fight gravity.

We have all had a crush or two ( or three, four, five...) and we've all at some point battled insecurities questioning whether this person would ever look our way. Sometimes when we actually do cast our lines in that direction and manage to reel in the 'prize', what's worse is when we are willing to go to even greater lengths to keep them.

I have seen some of my friends allow themselves to be used, degraded and embarrassed simply because they decide that having this certain person in their lives is worth more than life itself. The questions that come to mind are, "where do you draw the line between love and lust" and "what is your true worth"?

To even take it to another level, how do we define beauty? I sometimes look at females with their freshly manicured nails, diva styled hair and almost plastered make-up and the males with fresh haircuts, highly stached denims and "smell me before you see me cologne" and beauty really skin deep?

I have come to realize that there is truth to the saying that real beauty comes from within. I would much rather be in the presence of an 'ugly' person with a caring disposition and a warm attitude than a 'yet to be discovered self-considered supermodel' who whouldn't pick me up if I fell in the street out of the fear of getting their hands soiled. I have dated this type before in my past and have come to realize that sometimes what you see is really all you get.

Amazingly, persons that think too highly of themselves seldom think of anyone else. Where do you fall in this regard? Try this (honestly), imagine you got burnt all over your body and was now confined to a wheelchair. Which of your friends do you believe would give up a night on the town to chill with you? Which of your friends would even still be your friends (and would be seen with you)? Now ask yourself this question in reverse.

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