Sunday, December 30, 2007

Resolve to experience a Renaissance

As I sit watching the hours pass for me to bid adieu to the year 2007 and welcome the year 2008, I can only reflect on this past year.

I've promoted a few associates to friends and demoted a few associates to time-fillers.

I've learnt a few lessons while I've shed a few tears.

I've climbed a few mountains only to discover that they were merely hills, and I'm all geared up to conquer the ones that lie ahead.

I've learnt that my strength comes from within, not from the voices and personalities that surround me.

The journey hasn't been a perfect one but it has been one that I will remember. I strongly believe that what doesn't kill will only make me stronger, therefore everything I've experienced thus far can only serve as multi-vitamins to fortify me throughout whatever lies ahead.

As far as resolutions go, I don't believe in them. I believe in renaissance. I believe that rather than just setting goals, I should make plans and that my plans should lead to the accomplishment of goals.

I know that there are still a few habits, vices and people that I can do without, but somehow its the presence of these that makes me who I am. Should I dare to be different? Would you appreciate less?

But what I will say is that I expect 2008 to be great. Not because of any expected events or occurrences, but because I seek to make every day better than the last and because I live to hold no regrets.